Killam Fellowship Spring Seminar in Washington, D.C.

Hey friends! Welcome back to the blog. Thanks for bearing with me as I took some time to soak up my last moments in the Arizona sun. It was lovely break: I am coming back refreshed and happy to be writing again.

This week, I thought I would share some happy thoughts and photos from the Killam Fellowship Spring Seminar in Washington, D.C. It’s now been almost a month since my trip, which makes me think “wow! how fast time flies,” but also has given me a little time to reflect.

The trip, like the Fall Orientation, combined both academic components (panels with guest speakers) and cultural components (visits to museums and monuments), but my favourite part was perhaps the other participants. Being in D.C. was lovely reunion for those I had the pleasure of getting to know briefly in Ottawa in the fall or, in the case of a select few who did their exchange in the GTA, a reunion of the temporary Torontonians, whom I got know better (and love) through lots of sweet dinner parties.

Continue reading “Killam Fellowship Spring Seminar in Washington, D.C.”

Qui suis-je? 65 questions aléatoires sur moi-même

Salut! J’ai adoré répondre aux questions sur moi-même l’autre semaine, alors j’ai décidé de faire une nouvelle série de questions mais en français!!! Voila…

  1. Tu dors avec la porte de la chambre ouverte ou fermée ? Fermée maintenant que je vis avec des colocs.
  2. Emportes-tu les échantillons de shampooing et de gel douche des hôtels ? Parfois – mais seulement si ils sont super bons.
  3. Tu dors dans un lit bordé ou pas vraiment fait ? Bordé ! Je dors tellement mieux quand je fais mon lit le matin.
  4. As-tu déjà volé un panneau dans la rue ? Non, ce n’est vraiment pas mon genre.
  5. Utilises-tu des « post-it » ? Oui ! Comme étudiante en littérature, c’est super utile pour garder mes pages.
  6. Découpes tu des bons de réduction pour finalement ne jamais les utiliser ? Lol – oui !!
  7. As-tu des taches de rousseur ? Non.
  8. Souris-tu sur toutes les photos ? En général, oui ! Mes parents m’ont pas payé des broches pour rien…….
  9. Comptes-tu les marches que tu montes ? Non.
  10. Danses-tu même s’il n’y a pas de musique ? Je danse constamment. Continue reading “Qui suis-je? 65 questions aléatoires sur moi-même”

Where in the World? Chicago, Illinois

Thanks to the Killam Fellowship Mobility Program, I visited Chicago, Illinois, for the first time last week — and got a taste for the winter weather I’ve been missing out on now that I am living in the Southwest!


My trip to Chicago was one of diverse exploration: from city landmarks to American LGTBQ history to art. Once in Chicago, I quickly realized that I am no longer used to the cold thanks to living in the Southwest, so I headed to the Art Institute of Chicago to warm up and look at pretty things. The Institute is fantastic! It is a huge, well-curated museum, so I had plenty to explore for hours. One of the highlights for me was the sections on Impressionism and American Modernism, because we discussed these two movements in my course “Modernism Across the Arts” at York in fall 2017. I even got to see the famous “A Sunday Afternoon at the Island of La Grande Jatte” by Georges Seurat. I was so pleased that I immediately emailed my professor from last semester!


Continue reading “Where in the World? Chicago, Illinois”

#GetToKnowMe Q&A

Hey all! Welcome to my blog. This week, as per my lovely best friend Jani’s suggestion, I’ve answered a series of questions about myself! The questions are on all sorts of topics and THERE ARE FIFTY (50!!) of them for your reading pleasure. Anyway, I’ve been doing this blogging thing for a little while now and thought it would be a good time for you to get some more basic info about me, so here goes! Let me know in the comments section if any of my answers surprise you, make you laugh, or what have you.

  1. Are you named after anyone? No– as far as I know, I’m the only Emily in my family/close circles.
  2. When was the last time you cried? Today. A couple times. I’m about to fly home post-spring break with my family and I am feeling all the feels— as they say.
  3. Do you have kids? No, but I’d like to when I’m done school/older.
  4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? NO. (Yes)
  5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? How they interact with others/the space they’re in.
  6. What is your eye colour? Brown … which I used to hate, but have grown to love.
  7. Scary movie or happy endings? ALWAYS happy endings.
  8. Favourite smells? Oh my god. I legit hate all smells– especially synthetic ones, which can set off a headache for me.
  9. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Umm, I think Greece?
  10. Do you have any special talents? Hahaha I can wriggle my nose in a way that looks like a gerbil… also I’m REALLY good at remembering song lyrics?? Continue reading “#GetToKnowMe Q&A”